Lorenza Jägera 9
Faculty of Humanitiesand Social Sciences in Osijek
February 8 – 10,
>50 presentations
200 seats
Reserve your place- Ana Babić Čikeš (President)
- Ivona Bajsić (Secretary)
- Irena Pavela Banai
- Sandra Brezetić
- Jasmina Tomašić Humer
- Ana Belajdžić
- Valerija Križanić
- Dino Krupić
- Ana Kurtović
- Ivana Marčinko
- Damir Marinić
- Marija Milić
- Silvija Ručević
- Daniela Šincek
- Tena Velki
- Gabrijela Vrdoljak
- Gorka Vuletić
- Amela Mujagić, Sveučilište u Bihaću, Bosna i Hercegovina
- Silviya Miteva, Faculty of Public Health, Health Care and Sports, South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Bulgaria
- Bojana Dinić, Univerzitet u Novom Sadu, Srbija
- Živa Veingerl Čič, DOBA fakulteta, Maribor, Slovenija
- Marko Divjak, DOBA fakulteta, Maribor, Slovenija
- Agustin Molina, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
- Virginia Sanchez Jimenez, Department of Psychology, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Dear colleagues,
We are delighted to inform you that the Empowering Potential for Community Prevention Activities conference will take place from February 8 to 10, 2024. The conference is organized by the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek. We are also proud to announce that this conference marks our tenth anniversary.
As in previous years, we aim to gather as many of our psychology colleagues, as well as experts from other fields, to present the results of their research and projects in order to facilitate mutual communication, exchange of ideas, and collaboration, thus enhancing the productivity and effectiveness of our daily work.
This conference holds a special significance for us as our Department of Psychology will also be celebrating the 20th anniversary of its establishment.
We invite all of you to join us in February 2024 to celebrate this special milestone and contribute to the conference with your active participation!
On behalf of the Program Organizing Committee
izv. prof. dr. sc. Ana Babić Čikeš,
Chair of the Program Organizing Committee
We are delighted to highlight the invited lectures by the following distinguished experts:
In addition to the invited lectures by renowned experts, the following workshops will also be held during the conference:
If you want to participate in our workshops, register here.
We invite you to actively participate and present your work (research results, project evaluations, examples of best practices) in the field of prevention and preventive activities aimed at individuals, communities, and vulnerable population groups, health issues, especially mental health, individual and communal well-being, and other related topics. You can submit oral presentations, poster presentations, new publications, symposia, roundtable discussions, or workshops.
You can actively participate in the 10th International Empowering Potential for Preventive Community Activities conference by completing the following registration form. For further details, please refer to the information accessible through the same link.
Abstract submission deadline: January 08, 2024.
We kindly ask all participants, both active and passive, to register using this registration form.
The participation and registration form will be open from September 1, 2023. To complete the registration successfully, attaching proof of paid registration fee or proof of exemption from the registration fee is required.
Registration Fees
Early bird registration (until January 22, 2024)
Late registration (from January 23 to February 8, 2024)
The registration fee covers conference materials for participants, participation in invited workshops, a formal reception, and refreshments during breaks.
Payment details: IBAN HR3424020061101146132 (Erste banka), payable to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek (please include your OIB in the payment reference). Payment purpose: Registration fee for the Prevention Conference 2024, with your name and surname. Participants from abroad, please use SWIFT: ESBCHR22.
Please attach proof of payment (along with proof of paid HPD membership fee for 2023/2024 if you are an HPD member) during the online registration process.
Retirees, unemployed individuals, and undergraduate and graduate students are exempt from the registration fee (conference materials include only the program) and have full access to all program components, except for invited workshops.
The conference will be submitted to the Croatian Psychological Chamber to qualify for credit points. To earn credits in other chambers, participants will receive a certificate of participation (active or passive) that they can submit for individual credit point applications to the respective chambers.
For any additional information, please contact us at the following email address: X.skup.psihologija.ffos@gmail.com